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Marc & Tony Stevenson, Born c.1955

Twin brother Marc and Tony Stevenson were born in Malta and moved to Kenya in the 1950’s. Their Uncle James made toys and rocking horses all his life. After a Grammar school education they went on their separate paths for a while. Tony into modelling, then tree milling and finally working in a drawing office for a large American Oil Company in Hammersmith. Marc went to Art College and did a degree in graphic design, spending most of my time in the 3D construction department, designing and making educational aids for children with disabilities. It was 1982 at a party on a friend’s Thames Barge at Hammersmith when they had a conversation about going into business together. They decided to go ahead with a business in rocking horse making. The business has flourished, and has now sold more than 9,000 hand made rocking horses to customers around the world, including the Sultan of Brunei.

Click below to view their life story: