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john worthington, born 1938

John Worthington trained as an architect at the Architectural Association, in London. He was awarded a Harkness Fellowship to study in the USA. This took him to the University of California, Berkeley. In 1970 he established, with Frank Duffy, the London office of the American space planners JFN. The office became independent as DEGW, the name reflecting the four founders, including Peter Eley and Luigi Giffone. DEGW grew to be an innovative and world-leading space planning practice with offices across Europe, and in the USA and Far East. After a spell as Professor of Architecture at the University of York, Worthington developed an active career teaching, writing, advising and mentoring.

Click below to view his life story:

Source: Provided to Lives Retold by John Worthington, author of this autobiographical life story, in 2020.

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