Image from the Forward Trust’s More Than My Past website.
Ilario Guiducci.
Owner of a catering company.
Ilario Guiducci was born in Tuscany in Italy. He had a happy childhood, but fell as a teenager into drink, drugs and petty crime. He came to London at the age of 20. He got more deeply into drugs and got arrested and convicted several times. One of his last prison sentences in 1989 was for possession with intent to supply class A drugs and possession of firearms. His life began to change when a prison officer referred him to the abstinence-based programme that the Forward Trust had recently begun running in prisons. In 1996 he stopped using drugs and has never looked back. In 2000 he started his own catering business called Cocoa Delight. All his employees are either ex-offenders or are recovery themselves. He describes working with them as truly a joy. This life story is reproduced, with permission, from the More Than My Past website at The website is produced by the Forward Trust, which is at The Forward Trust empowers people, such as Ilario, to break the often interlinked cycles of addiction or crime and to move forward with their lives.
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